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先声夺人|欧洲密集开展“对华外交攻势” 葡萄牙外长:中葡关系历久弥新 合作潜力巨大


【#先声夺人#|欧洲密集开展“对华外交攻势” 葡萄牙外长:中葡关系历久弥新 合作潜力巨大】本周,欧洲政商界密集访华,高层互动释放合作强信号。面对变乱交织的国际局势,中欧关系将如何稳健发展?在接受CGTN主持人@田薇_TianWei 的专访时,葡萄牙国务部长兼外长兰热尔表示,值此中欧建交50周年之际,第二十五次中欧领导人会晤将为双方提供重要对话平台。中葡可携手推动建立更可预测的合作框架,在绿色转型中把握新机遇,实现互利共赢。This week, European political and business circles are looking to China with eager eyes amid high-level interactions. In an exclusive conversation with CGTN host Tian Wei, Portugal's Minister of State and Foreign Affairs, Paulo Rangel, emphasized that as China and the EU mark their 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties, the upcoming 25th China-EU Summit will serve as a crucial platform for dialogue. Minister Rangel noted that China and Portugal can work together to establish a more predictable cooperation framework, seize new opportunities in the green transition, and achieve mutual benefits.

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